Jagori Technologies Ltd. is an Information Technology company located in Dhaka, Bangladesh serving clients nationwide. Jagori Technologies Ltd. is the leading provider of business software solutions & training on software solutions partnering with the other best of breed technologies. We take up best practices developed over 15 years of services. We are extremely committed to delivering quality solutions, sales and support to assist our clients to achieve the maximum from their IT investment.


Jagori Technologies Ltd. registered with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms as  private limited company on September 22, 2020 by acquiring all assets, liabilities and goodwill of the proprietorship company Jagori Technologies that was  founded in the June, 2017. 


A team comprising of six members started their career in a software-aided business consulting firm in early 2006. Their main activities were business consultancy to shift from manual business operations to computerized business operations, providing right software, assistance in software installation, configuring the software as per business operations, training to the users and ensuring sustainable support. They carried forward their works in a continued learning process with a variety of experience in terms of customer, customer’s need, limitations of software solutions etc. and obviously, with a high job satisfaction.

In mid 2017, when the owners of the company decided to switch their business domain, Ms. Naznin Nahar initiated to own the company with its all running activities and her fellows supported her in this acquisition process. Finally, she started to run the company in the name of Jagori Technologies from June 2017 and all her colleagues remained with her.

Now, we are the largest company of our type in the country employing fifteen staff with the diversity and depth of skill to meet any computer technology requirement from home and small office workstations through to wide area networks and Internet.

On September 22, 2020 by acquiring all assets, liabilities and goodwill of the proprietorship company Jagori Technologies, a new journey has been started with the name “Jagori Technologies Ltd.”. 


Our corporate philosophy establishes the fundamental principles of our management system. Our nationwide operational and performance standards translate the corporate values into specific management expectations. We preserve a high level of business ethics characterized by integrity and honesty in all our business actions.


Jagori Technologies  Ltd. commits to:

  • adopting high standards of ethics in all its business actions and practices;
  • providing its customers with high quality services, tailor-made to their needs and expectations;
  • guaranteeing highly competitive services to its clients;
  • engaging a highly skilled personnel supported by an effective organizational structure;
  • implementing an ‘equal opportunities’ and ‘environmentally friendly’ policy; and increasing shareholders’ value.


Conceptual Understanding

Jagori Technologies Ltd. understands the need of customers’ best. A full-fledged team of appropriately experienced professionals–is the key to our success to understand customers’ requirements better than anyone across diverse environments.

Level of Expertise

Jagori Technologies Ltd. has the most technologically advanced human resources who have been working in the field of IT since many years with a wide business solution experience.

Systematic Development Approach

Software development is one of the most complex tasks in the world. To produce any quality software, there is no alternative to a structured approach. Perfect route of structured development requires in-depth knowledge of the know-how and investment of both much time and resources. Partnering with best technology companies, Jagori Technologies Ltd. arrange the both know-how and remain as a big umbrella upon its head to support quality ventures. Jagori Technologies Ltd. has software development facilities through joint collaboration mostly with Best Business Bond Ltd. (3BL).

Sustainable Support

Any quality software means flexibility and must be equipped with a rich design for change management. Requirements of present software users may change in course of time & will need to update the software. This is why, they need the software developer available to provide them with necessary modification support.


  • A team comprising of 15 staff – most 5+ years and many 10+ years
  • Proven client service model
  • Considerable range of combined technical knowledge and experience
  • Timely response to any issues
  • Cost efficient services
  • Fixed costs for easier budgeting

Our customer service team assists the technical team for enhancing client management and to provide a better level of service to our clients. They bring a wealth of operations and management experiences to the company. We are committed to ensuring that our often very busy technical team is resourced appropriately for the ultimate benefit of our clients.


Jagori Technologies Ltd. recruits well educated, flexible and ambitious people who thrive on change and challenge, are innovative, self-confident and accept responsibility by taking initiative and adapting to a stimulating healthy working environment.

We seek leadership traits, excellent communication skills, strong academic performance and relevant professional experience. Previous experience in multicultural environment can be very advantageous.

Jagori Technologies Ltd. intentionally recruits people from various disciplines, in order to allow for a transfer of experiences and bring people of different cultures together to achieve a common goal. The company offers highly competitive compensation packages and an excellent career development path. Our diverse workforce and multicultural environment helps our employees to balance their work and personal life. Our employees enjoy continuous learning and professional growth in a dynamic professional environment.


Jagori Technologies Ltd. is an equal opportunity employer and applies an Equal Opportunities Policy (EOP) for this purpose. This policy covers all aspects of employment, from advertising of vacancies, selection, recruitment and training to working conditions and reasons for termination of employment.

To ensure that this policy operates effectively we regularly monitor the working environment and take appropriate action if necessary. Our actions are directed to immediately eliminating unlawful direct and indirect discrimination and promote equality of opportunity.

Our long term aim is that all the society groups are proportionally represented in the composition of our workforce. Where necessary, specific steps are taken to help disadvantaged and/or underrepresented groups to compete for jobs on a genuine equal opportunity basis. Our EOP and the measures for its implementation have been defined on the basis of advice from relevant bodies and in consultation with representatives of our employees.


Consultancy Services:

Jagori Technologies Ltd. has extensive experience in the delivery of consulting services targeted at developing, promoting, stimulating and supporting clients in setting up and running their IT environment and information systems. As an indication, consulting services involve the following key domains:

Business Consultancy Services:

Description of a business, definition of business strategies and policies, creation, improvement and maintenance of business processes, collection of business and user requirements, Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), feasibility studies, vision documents and business case modeling.

IT Training:

Provision of training on specific tools, methodologies, practices and administration, provision of training on setting up and operation of IT environments and systems.

Application & Software Development:

In collaboration with software development houses, designing and developing applications and software solutions has been a core and continuous activity of Jagori Technologies Ltd. since its very existence. We have developed for a wide range of organizations some of their most popular and successful applications. We have accumulated extensive experience in addressing the needs and requirements of the government sector and big corporations.

Jagori Technologies Ltd. provides a wide range of software products. We also undertake the development and support of tailor-made applications according to clients’ needs. We offer the best price/performance ratio and optimal Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the client. Jagori Technologies Ltd. covers the full lifecycle of application and software development. We maintain in-house competence and training and apply new technologies and innovations.

Our processes are constantly revised to embrace world class, state-of-the-art techniques. Our solutions are delivered as stand-alone or network (LAN & WAN) projects. Jagori Technologies Ltd. relies on modern and efficient IT infrastructure comprising a wide spectrum of tools and platforms as well as testing environments.

Almost all the developed solutions are complex, critical, sensitive and high availability systems, operating under SLAs (Service Level Agreements). We follow well-proven and professional working methodologies. They rely on accumulated experience and know-how, software libraries, best practices and constant improvement methods. Moreover, project specific metrics are defined and applied to ensure consistent results of a high standard.


Industry Leader to the Private Sector

Jagori Technologies Ltd. is a leading company in the provision of integrated ICT services to the private sector in the country. The Company offers a wide range of advanced ICT products and services allowing the implementation of variety of business operations.

Expert Management Team and Highly Specialized Engineers

Jagori Technologies Ltd. has been founded and run by an expert management team with vast experience and deep technological knowledge. The Company has expanded its competency by shaking hands with other companies having highly educated and specialized engineers that are building a unique experience through the implementation of technologically advanced IT projects at an international level.

Leading Product Portfolio

In collaboration with best software development houses Jagori Technologies Ltd. develops IT products and integrated turnkey solutions for its customers with a favorable cost/quality ratio. The expertise developed is based on the latest, state-of-the-art technologies. The Company has built up a particularly strong reputation amongst its client base for quality and innovation.

Cost Effective Solutions

The relatively low cost structure and the availability of high level personnel in the primary corporate and employment locations, allows the delivery of competitively priced products, with the retention of healthy profit margins for the Company.

Strong and Diverse Client Base

Jagori Technologies Ltd. has established a high quality clientele of over some major business categories: Trading, Manufacturing, Not-for-profit etc. and about 5000 customers. The company has a track record of various prestigious projects like,

  • Hire Purchase Management (maintenance of sale proceeding in installments)
  • Sales Service Tracking System (after-sales-service and customer care)
  • Sales, Distribution & Marketing Management (configurable sales rules and marketing strategy)
  • Payroll Management with Attendance (attendance, leave, shift duties, promotion, advance etc.)
  • Provident Fund Management (employee & company contribution, loan, investment, settlement etc.)
  • Fixed Assets Management System (assets register & depreciation in different methods)
  • Material Management System (detail controlling on each & every materials)
  • Budget Plan, Monitoring & Evaluation (detail budget planning, execution, monitoring & evaluation)
  • Business Operations Management (automation for customized Business needs)
  • Hotel Management ERP (for residential hotel)
  • Real Estate Management ERP (for land & flat business), etc.


Jagori Technologies Ltd. core strategic objective is to further entrench its position as a leading provider of state-of-the-art, high added value software and ICT solutions to international organizations.

Indicative Customers

Jagori Technologies Ltd. offers its services to organizations in the public and private sectors in many regions nation-wide. Till to date more than ONE THOUSAND Customers have trusted Jagori Technologies Ltd. for their software solution.


Jagori Technologies Ltd. focus is to provide a long term IT partnerships with our clients. Most of our client relationships have been for at least ten years, many much longer. These long term relationships allow us to understand our clients’ unique needs and requirements and to provide a high level of service. We believe, we can provide cost effective service & support allowing all to get the best from their IT investment.


46, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Ahmed Mansion (4th Floor), Karwan Bazar, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
Tel: +88 02 9128511; +880 1552 375553; +880 1798362559